“You spelled ‘counseling’ wrong”

In Australia, where we are based, “counselling” is spelled with two L’s.  It is only spelled with one L in the USA.

Do you also offer monogamous relationship counselling?

Yes, we are inclusive and supportive of whatever type of consensual relationship our clients feel is most satisfying to them, whether that be monogamous, swinging, Dom/sub, hierarchical polyamorous, solo polyamorous, relationship anarchist, or other.  We do not think there is one way of relating that works for everyone, so our goal is to help our clients explore what presently feels congruent for them and help them communicate their needs in that relating.

Is everyone you see polyamorous?

No, we support a broad range of people, and not everyone comes to see us about relationships.  Just because we have a client doesn’t mean that they are a sex worker, kinky, polyamorous, or queer.  They may have gotten a recommendation that we’re good at listening and being nonjudgmental from a former client, and see us because we’ve developed a rapport.  Just because we offer specialised services doesn’t mean that we are incapable of supporting a broader population or that every client of ours falls into marginalized categories of lived experience.

Do you offer rebates?

Not at this time.  We do offer a few concession priced spots for individual counselling during the week, to make us more accessible to a larger population.  Our prices are generally overall lower than a psychologist with the medicare rebate if people see us for longer than a few months.

How long will therapy last?

That’s a hard question to answer, as each person’s therapy journey is individual.  In terms of a session, most people choose to book a 50-minute session, but some people find that talking for 75 minutes is more helpful and will book a 75-minute relationship therapy session for one person. Some people see a therapist for a specific issue, and choose to leave after that issue is resolved.  Some people see a therapist for years to understand themselves differently and change how they approach their lives and the people in them.  Some people see a therapist on and off, checking in when they feel like they need support and then ending therapy when they feel more resilient. The person seeing the therapist determines when they feel that therapy should end, but the therapist should check in every so often to ensure that the therapy is still helpful to the person attending.  When the person attending therapy feels that they want to end therapy, they let their therapist know 2-3 sessions before the end so that they can discuss and process any feelings that may arise from ending.